Friday, September 11, 2009

Grasshopper 3D model in Maya 2009

This is the Grasshopper I've modeled in Maya 2009 as part of the "3D Design Theory 1: Planning and concept development" class at Billy Blue. To be honest, this is my first digital modeling project, but I am very happy with the result. I used to do ceramics in High School and I noticed that I had quite the talent for it, but I couldn't figure out how I would make a profession out of it.

Maybe this is the answer...pixel-clay of 3D modeling...

Semester 3: "3D Design Theory 1: Planning and concept development" with Jonathan Gunawan


  1. Nice grasshopper. I am building a website, and might want to use your grasshopper, if you didnt have a problem with that? Thank you,

  2. I want to use it also on my website if thats ok?
